Sunday Snippets

Join us for a short reflection and prayers connecting you [...]

Thursday Dinner at Parsonage

100 Berkeley Dr. 100 Berkeley Dr, Syracuse, NY, United States

Lasagna ~ veggie and meat options! [...]


Sunday Lutheran Service

Hendricks Chapel Noble Room Hendricks Chapel, Syracuse, NY, United States

Hendricks Noble Room, or Live on Facebook ​We recently [...]


Sunday Snippets

Join us for a short reflection and prayers connecting you [...]

Speaker Tom Henry

Watch a presentation from Tom Henry, Liverpool social studies [...]

Sunday Snippets

Join us for a short reflection and prayers connecting you [...]

Sunday Snippets

Join us for a short reflection and prayers connecting you [...]

Sunday Snippets

Join us for a short reflection and prayers connecting you [...]

Sunday Snippets

Join us for a short reflection and prayers connecting you [...]

Sunday Snippets

Join us for a short reflection and prayers connecting you [...]