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Sunday Snippets
Join us for a short reflection and prayers connecting you [...]
Late Night Guided Meditation
Instagram Live at CuseCampusConnect.
Sunday Snippets
Join us for a short reflection and prayers connecting you [...]
Rev. Bosch Booklet Preview
Get a Glimsp of Creativity and Inspiration in a [...]
Sunday Snippets
Join us for a short reflection and prayers connecting you [...]
Sunday Snippets
Join us for a short reflection and prayers connecting you [...]
Sunday Snippets
Join us for a short reflection and prayers connecting you [...]
Sunday Snippets
Join us for a short reflection and prayers connecting you [...]
Sunday Snippets
Join us for a short reflection and prayers connecting you [...]
Campus Connect Movie Night – MULAN with Reception and Critique
100 Berkeley Dr. 100 Berkeley Dr, Syracuse, NY, United StatesJoin us for Dinner : Vegetarian and Chicken Pad [...]