Winter/Spring 2025
All are welcome to join us this Winter as classes resumes.

Thursday Group Dinner
Join us weekly for Thursday Group Dinner at Koinonia House. The evening includes meal and robust conversation and community check in.
Students work together to help with grocery shopping, food preparation, cooking, and hosting. Guests are welcome to cook their food for the group. Barbeque, baking, salads and food cooked by students from all over the world are popular and always welcome, but not necessary. These are ALWAYS free events.
Join us!
Time: Thursday 7 – 9 PM
Place: 100 Straford Ave, Syracuse, NY 13206

CampusConnect provides community activities for students who may or may not be Lutheran, their friends, and guests. With our pastors serving as advisors, the organization builds a cozy community in Syracuse. You may come and hang out in the Koinonia House where CampusConnect meets each week. Sometimes students cook dinner at the house, which is just a block from the campus. Sometimes we tackle questions over a food court meal in the Goldstein student center. Sometimes we pack a picnic and go on a hike. And once a month, we invite a faculty member or community leader to a full course dinner in exchange for leading a discussion on a contemporary issue.